Next month of mission: Life '26

Following the excitement generated by the LIFE ‘22 mission we are now preparing to rally churches across the UK together to join together for another Month of Mission in March 2026.
There is no ‘one-size-fits-all’ template to follow when it comes to local church mission.
But the encouragement of being on mission together, and of praying and learning from each other and sharing resources, makes a nationwide mission a wonderful thing to be involved in!

Join us and


at our monthly online prayer meetings ahead of Life'26.

We meet every second Thursday at 1pm to pray for evangelism around the UK and for the upcoming Life ‘26 mission.

Connect with us to receive updates and prayer points.

Hear how you can pray for Life '26 and receive news, updates, and information from us.

See how your financial support could help us equip churches for year-round evangelism and rally them for our next month of mission in 2026, so that together, we can see our nation reached with the gospel.

Why a month of mission?

be part of something bigger

All of us, great or small, are encouraged when we are part of something bigger. We can share ideas, pray for and with each other, benefit from high-quality resources, and be encouraged as we hear stories of gospel fruit across the UK.

have a bigger impact

Many voices are louder than one. When we join together under a common mission, we can share the same gospel wherever we are, creating a great context for Christians to invite friends, neighbours and colleagues to discover LIFE.

boost regular evangelism

Participating in nationwide mission raises the profile of evangelism and energises church members. LIFE offers a great context to initiate evangelism training and encourage our churches to live a life of witness.

a rising tide to lift all boats

The rising tide of a national movement can help lift local churches off the sandbank of evangelistic inactivity. An opportunity to join in with a national movement can be a real help to leaders hoping to create lasting impact.

The Story of Life ‘22.

Follow along with four churches as they reach out to the people in their communities during Life ‘22.
The Life resources remain available for churches to use in their on-going mission activities.

equipping and enabling
churches for a lifetime of

We’re a movement of more than 800 churches across the UK and Ireland passionate about making Jesus known in our communities.

Find ideas for mission events and ministries, how-to-guides, our mission planner and great evangelistic resources.

Train in personal evangelism and learn how to journey with others towards life in Jesus.

Grow the culture of evangelism in your church with ideas and wisdom gathered from leaders around the UK and Ireland.

Connect with us to stay updated and join us in prayer and financial giving.