Striving side by side for the gospel

A Passion for Life is not a big organisation with teams of people and an annual budget to spend. We're disciples of the Lord Jesus – from a range of  evangelical churches and ministries – offering time, energy, resources and our spiritual gifts to advance the cause of Christ across the UK and Ireland. Would you like to be a part of the movement?

Connect with us

Stay up to date as resources are released and the mission unfolds.

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Life ‘22 teaser

Promote the documentary video.

Life ‘22 documentary

See how Life ’22 unfolded for four churches.

Report on Life ‘22

A summary report on A Passion for Life and the Life ’22 mission.

Support the work financially

Why give

Rico Tice interviews co-chair Jeremy Marshall on the reasons to invest in this gospel cause.

How to give

Here are the details of how you can support A Passion for Life financially.

Raising funds

Please prayerfully consider whether your church mission budget or your friends would want to support this mission endeavour across the UK and Ireland.